Liczba ludności: Caly świat,
No. | Kraj |
Kraj (ang.) |
Kod |
Liczba |
1 | Afganistan | Afghanistan | AFG | |
2 | Afryka Południowa | South Africa | ZAF | |
3 | Afryka Subsaharyjska | Sub-Saharan Africa | SSF | |
4 | Afryka Wschodnia i Południowa | Africa Eastern and Southern | AFE | |
5 | Afryka Zachodnia i Centralna | Africa Western and Central | AFW | |
6 | Albania | Albania | ALB | |
7 | Algieria | Algeria | DZA | |
8 | Ameryka północna | North America | NAC | |
9 | Ameryka Łacińska i Karaiby | Latin America & Caribbean | LCN | |
10 | Andora | Andorra | AND | |
11 | Angola | Angola | AGO | |
12 | Antigua i Barbuda | Antigua and Barbuda | ATG | |
13 | Arabia Saudyjska | Saudi Arabia | SAU | |
14 | Argentyna | Argentina | ARG | |
15 | Armenia | Armenia | ARM | |
16 | Aruba | Aruba | ABW | |
17 | Australia | Australia | AUS | |
18 | Austria | Austria | AUT | |
19 | Azerbejdżan | Azerbaijan | AZE | |
20 | Azja Południowa | South Asia | SAS | |
21 | Azja Wschodnia i Pacyfik | East Asia & Pacific | EAS | |
22 | Bahamy | Bahamas, The | BHS | |
23 | Bahrajn | Bahrain | BHR | |
24 | Bangladesz | Bangladesh | BGD | |
25 | Barbados | Barbados | BRB | |
26 | Belgia | Belgium | BEL | |
27 | Belize | Belize | BLZ | |
28 | Benin | Benin | BEN | |
29 | Bermudy | Bermuda | BMU | |
30 | Bhutan | Bhutan | BTN | |
31 | Białoruś | Belarus | BLR | |
32 | Bliski Wschód i Afryka Północna | Middle East & North Africa | MEA | |
33 | Boliwia | Bolivia | BOL | |
34 | Bośnia i Hercegowina | Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | |
35 | Botswana | Botswana | BWA | |
36 | Brazylia | Brazil | BRA | |
37 | Brunei | Brunei Darussalam | BRN | |
38 | Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze | British Virgin Islands | VGB | |
39 | Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso | BFA | |
40 | Burundi | Burundi | BDI | |
41 | Bułgaria | Bulgaria | BGR | |
42 | Chile | Chile | CHL | |
43 | Chiny | China | CHN | |
44 | Chorwacja | Croatia | HRV | |
45 | Curaçao | Curacao | CUW | |
46 | Cypr | Cyprus | CYP | |
47 | Czad | Chad | TCD | |
48 | Czarnogóra | Montenegro | MNE | |
49 | Czechy | Czech Republic | CZE | |
50 | Dania | Denmark | DNK | |
51 | Dominika | Dominica | DMA | |
52 | Dominikana | Dominican Republic | DOM | |
53 | Dżibuti | Djibouti | DJI | |
54 | Egipt | Egypt, Arab Rep. | EGY | |
55 | Ekwador | Ecuador | ECU | |
56 | Erytrea | Eritrea | ERI | |
57 | Estonia | Estonia | EST | |
58 | Eswatini | Eswatini | SWZ | |
59 | Etiopia | Ethiopia | ETH | |
60 | Europa i Azja Środkowa | Europe & Central Asia | ECS | |
61 | Europa Środkowa i Kraje Bałtyckie | Central Europe and the Baltics | CEB | |
62 | Fidżi | Fiji | FJI | |
63 | Filipiny | Philippines | PHL | |
64 | Finlandia | Finland | FIN | |
65 | Francja | France | FRA | |
66 | Gabon | Gabon | GAB | |
67 | Gambia | Gambia, The | GMB | |
68 | Ghana | Ghana | GHA | |
69 | Gibraltar | Gibraltar | GIB | |
70 | Grecja | Greece | GRC | |
71 | Grenada | Grenada | GRD | |
72 | Grenlandia | Greenland | GRL | |
73 | Gruzja | Georgia | GEO | |
74 | Guam | Guam | GUM | |
75 | Gujana | Guyana | GUY | |
76 | Gwatemala | Guatemala | GTM | |
77 | Gwinea | Guinea | GIN | |
78 | Gwinea Bissau | Guinea-Bissau | GNB | |
79 | Gwinea Równikowa | Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | |
80 | Haiti | Haiti | HTI | |
81 | Hiszpania | Spain | ESP | |
82 | Holandia | Netherlands | NLD | |
83 | Honduras | Honduras | HND | |
84 | Hongkong | Hong Kong SAR, China | HKG | |
85 | Indie | India | IND | |
86 | Indonezja | Indonesia | IDN | |
87 | Inne małe państwa | Other small states | OSS | |
88 | Irak | Iraq | IRQ | |
89 | Iran | Iran, Islamic Rep. | IRN | |
90 | Irlandia | Ireland | IRL | |
91 | Islandia | Iceland | ISL | |
92 | Izrael | Israel | ISR | |
93 | Jamajka | Jamaica | JAM | |
94 | Japonia | Japan | JPN | |
95 | Jemen | Yemen, Rep. | YEM | |
96 | Jordania | Jordan | JOR | |
97 | Kajmany | Cayman Islands | CYM | |
98 | Kambodża | Cambodia | KHM | |
99 | Kamerun | Cameroon | CMR | |
100 | Kanada | Canada | CAN | |
101 | Katar | Qatar | QAT | |
102 | Kazachstan | Kazakhstan | KAZ | |
103 | Kenia | Kenya | KEN | |
104 | Kirgistan | Kyrgyz Republic | KGZ | |
105 | Kiribati | Kiribati | KIR | |
106 | Kolumbia | Colombia | COL | |
107 | Komory | Comoros | COM | |
108 | Kongo, Demokratyczna Republika | Congo, Dem. Rep. | COD | |
109 | Kongo, Republika | Congo, Rep. | COG | |
110 | Korea Północna | Korea, Dem. People's Rep. | PRK | |
111 | Korea Południowa | Korea, Rep. | KOR | |
112 | Kosowo | Kosovo | XKX | |
113 | Kostaryka | Costa Rica | CRI | |
114 | Kuba | Cuba | CUB | |
115 | Kuwejt | Kuwait | KWT | |
116 | Laos | Lao PDR | LAO | |
117 | Lesotho | Lesotho | LSO | |
118 | Liban | Lebanon | LBN | |
119 | Liberia | Liberia | LBR | |
120 | Libia | Libya | LBY | |
121 | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein | LIE | |
122 | Litwa | Lithuania | LTU | |
123 | Luksemburg | Luxembourg | LUX | |
124 | Macedonia Północna | North Macedonia | MKD | |
125 | Madagaskar | Madagascar | MDG | |
126 | Makao | Macao SAR, China | MAC | |
127 | Malawi | Malawi | MWI | |
128 | Malediwy | Maldives | MDV | |
129 | Malezja | Malaysia | MYS | |
130 | Mali | Mali | MLI | |
131 | Malta | Malta | MLT | |
132 | Mariany Północne | Northern Mariana Islands | MNP | |
133 | Maroko | Morocco | MAR | |
134 | Mauretania | Mauritania | MRT | |
135 | Mauritius | Mauritius | MUS | |
136 | Małe państwa karaibskie | Caribbean small states | CSS | |
137 | Małe państwa wyspiarskie Pacyfiku | Pacific island small states | PSS | |
138 | Meksyk | Mexico | MEX | |
139 | Mikronezja | Micronesia, Fed. Sts. | FSM | |
140 | Mjanma | Myanmar | MMR | |
141 | Monako | Monaco | MCO | |
142 | Mongolia | Mongolia | MNG | |
143 | Mozambik | Mozambique | MOZ | |
144 | Mołdawia | Moldova | MDA | |
145 | Namibia | Namibia | NAM | |
146 | Nauru | Nauru | NRU | |
147 | Nepal | Nepal | NPL | |
148 | Niemcy | Germany | DEU | |
149 | Niger | Niger | NER | |
150 | Nigeria | Nigeria | NGA | |
151 | Nikaragua | Nicaragua | NIC | |
152 | Norwegia | Norway | NOR | |
153 | Nowa Kaledonia | New Caledonia | NCL | |
154 | Nowa Zelandia | New Zealand | NZL | |
155 | Oman | Oman | OMN | |
156 | Pakistan | Pakistan | PAK | |
157 | Palau | Palau | PLW | |
158 | Panama | Panama | PAN | |
159 | Papua-Nowa Gwinea | Papua New Guinea | PNG | |
160 | Paragwaj | Paraguay | PRY | |
161 | Peru | Peru | PER | |
162 | Polinezja Francuska | French Polynesia | PYF | |
163 | Polska | Poland | POL | |
164 | Portoryko | Puerto Rico | PRI | |
165 | Portugalia | Portugal | PRT | |
166 | Republika Środkowoafrykańska | Central African Republic | CAF | |
167 | Rosja | Russian Federation | RUS | |
168 | Rumunia | Romania | ROU | |
169 | Rwanda | Rwanda | RWA | |
170 | Saint Kitts i Nevis | St. Kitts and Nevis | KNA | |
171 | Saint Vincent i Grenadyny | St. Vincent and the Grenadines | VCT | |
172 | Salwador | El Salvador | SLV | |
173 | Samoa | Samoa | WSM | |
174 | Samoa Amerykańskie | American Samoa | ASM | |
175 | San Marino | San Marino | SMR | |
176 | São Tomé i Príncipe | Sao Tome and Principe | STP | |
177 | Senegal | Senegal | SEN | |
178 | Serbia | Serbia | SRB | |
179 | Seszele | Seychelles | SYC | |
180 | Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | SLE | |
181 | Singapur | Singapore | SGP | |
182 | Sint Maarten | Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | SXM | |
183 | Somalia | Somalia | SOM | |
184 | Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka | LKA | |
185 | St. Martin (część francuska) | St. Martin (French part) | MAF | |
186 | Stany Zjednoczone | United States | USA | |
187 | Strefa euro | Euro area | EMU | |
188 | Sudan | Sudan | SDN | |
189 | Sudan Południowy | South Sudan | SSD | |
190 | Surinam | Suriname | SUR | |
191 | Świat | World | WLD | |
192 | Święta Łucja | St. Lucia | LCA | |
193 | Syria | Syrian Arab Republic | SYR | |
194 | Szwajcaria | Switzerland | CHE | |
195 | Szwecja | Sweden | SWE | |
196 | Słowacja | Slovak Republic | SVK | |
197 | Słowenia | Slovenia | SVN | |
198 | Tadżykistan | Tajikistan | TJK | |
199 | Tajlandia | Thailand | THA | |
200 | Tanzania | Tanzania | TZA | |
201 | Timor Wschodni | Timor-Leste | TLS | |
202 | Togo | Togo | TGO | |
203 | Tonga | Tonga | TON | |
204 | Trynidad i Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | |
205 | Tunezja | Tunisia | TUN | |
206 | Turcja | Turkey | TUR | |
207 | Turkmenistan | Turkmenistan | TKM | |
208 | Turks i Caicos | Turks and Caicos Islands | TCA | |
209 | Tuvalu | Tuvalu | TUV | |
210 | Uganda | Uganda | UGA | |
211 | Ukraina | Ukraine | UKR | |
212 | Unia Europejska | European Union | EUU | |
213 | Urugwaj | Uruguay | URY | |
214 | Uzbekistan | Uzbekistan | UZB | |
215 | Vanuatu | Vanuatu | VUT | |
216 | Węgry | Hungary | HUN | |
217 | Wenezuela | Venezuela, RB | VEN | |
218 | Wielka Brytania | United Kingdom | GBR | |
219 | Wietnam | Vietnam | VNM | |
220 | Wybrzeże Kości Słoniowej | Cote d'Ivoire | CIV | |
221 | Wyspa Man | Isle of Man | IMN | |
222 | Wyspy Dziewicze (USA) | Virgin Islands (U.S.) | VIR | |
223 | Wyspy Marshalla | Marshall Islands | MHL | |
224 | Wyspy Normandzkie | Channel Islands | CHI | |
225 | Wyspy Owcze | Faroe Islands | FRO | |
226 | Wyspy Salomona | Solomon Islands | SLB | |
227 | Wyspy Zielonego Przylądka | Cabo Verde | CPV | |
228 | Włochy | Italy | ITA | |
229 | Zachodni Brzeg i Gaza | West Bank and Gaza | PSE | |
230 | Zambia | Zambia | ZMB | |
231 | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe | ZWE | |
232 | Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie | United Arab Emirates | ARE | |
233 | Łotwa | Latvia | LVA |
(1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects: 1960 Revision. (2) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (3) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (4) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Reprot ( various years ), (5) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database, и (6) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme.Population
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